2020 PBA Simulation League Quarterfinals: Ginebra or Magnolia, which one survived?

Here are the results of the four quarterfinals series of our PBA Simulation League - trial! 

After this will be the semifinals and if you want to suggest a depth chart, just post it on the comment below or at the comment section of the Facebook posts, related to this.

We have decided that we will push through with a Simulation League. 

The initial plan is to have two leagues. The first one will begin with a Fantasy draft, just like what we did in the trial. We will call this the FANTASY league. 

The second one will begin with the current rosters of each franchise. We will call this the TRUE league.

Now, the entire process of how we will conduct the league will be posted soon. Although, one process will be accumulating Fantasy points. One way to accumulate is to share our posts. And you can already do that to earn now!

The plan is to first conduct the Fantasy draft for the FANTASY league. So, if you want to have a lot of say for the team that you want to support, you can accumulate Fantasy points now.



GAME 3-4


