Tama o Mali? 5-Man Committee will now accept/reject trades

Trying to clean up the mess that the previous regime made, Officer-in-Charge Willie Marcial has formed a group of give to decide on trade proposals. A big change from the previous rule where the Commissioner is the lone judge.

So, who are the four persons that will join Marcial in the committee?

Junior Bengua and Roscelle Fabie Teotico, members of the technical team of the league, Melvin Mendoza, a league legal-counsel, and Eric Castro, the new technical director.

So, how will it work?

At least three of them should accept the trade proposal for it to push through.

TAMA o MALI? Is this the right move to end lopsided trades?

This article series revolves around deciding DEFINITELY, if a move or decision is right or wrong.



Because nothing has changed.

The four people that joined the commissioner in the committee are all under him! Those four will provide their opinions and one or two could be against the decision of the Commissioner but at the end of the day, the commissioner's vision and way of thinking will still win over them.

For a committee to work properly in terms of decision making, they should have a balance of power or authority. Or in a better way of saying it, they should all be independent of each other. 

In short, the Commissioner will still be the deciding factor in terms of trades. 

In short, nothing has changed. 
