PBA Trade Rumors: Is a Ray Parks trade getting closer?


We have an eventful week as the PBA met with the members of the IATF, one of them is Senator Bong Go.

They agreed that the PBA should wait for the number of cases to go down before they proceed in starting their upcoming season.

The decision was very reasonable.

That is not the only talking point coming from commissioner Marcial. He also revealed that he was actually communicating with Ray Parks and the camp of TNT during the fiasco.

Do we need to recap the fiasco? Ray Parks suddenly announced a sabbatical and TNT revealed that he lied during their negotiations.

Marcial communicating with Parks and with TNT means Parks may have understood already how dire his situation is.

At the very least, it is indicative that Parks still wants to continue his career. Even in his last statement about the matter, he still stated that he wants to return to TNT.

But, we also know about the rumor of Marcial being more connected to the San Miguel Corporation. Actually, the director of Sports of SMC was his companion during the meeting with IATF!

I think, the chances of a Parks to SMC trade just increased with this rumor.
