What if the PBA are not allowed to return this 2020?

I will not be shocked if the majority of you do not even care about the PBA at this point in time. There are more important things that you need to think about first before the return of a sports league.

Where can I work? What if my father or mother caught the virus at their job? What if the situation of the country get worse? Will the schools open by August 24? Where will I get an internet connection for my study? and etc. 

Just like you, the PBA as a league has a lot of questions going through the minds of the league executives. What will be the answer to our request for allowing team practices? Will they allow us to resume playing this year? How much money will be our net loss for this year? How expensive will be the resumption of the league? and etc.

But for those who are thinking about the return of the league, have you asked this question to yourself?

What if the PBA is not allowed to return this 2020?

The fact is, our president Rodrigo Duterte was so against face-to-face classes in our schools. So, how much more of a sport that you cannot apply social distancing. Where droplets from the players will surely be distributed to everyone. A single infection could cost a hundred infections that could easily be the reason for another big spike. 

This will have a big implication for the league. It will be the first-ever season that will be canceled. Putting a dent to the lineage of the PBA.

Other than that though, the effect of it on the contracts of the players could be the bigger problem. Also fact that PBA teams will not have any benefit this year for all their expenses of maintaining a franchise. That could result for teams to either sell their franchise or just disband.

In short, it could chance the PBA forever. 
