PBA Trade Rumors: Who is the next Northport Batang Pier to be TRADED?

There are only a few fans who cares about what is happening about the Northport Batang Pier. Gone are the days of the Gary David and Marcio Lassiter where they tried to compete.

With their new role in the league, fans are usually talking about Northport to pinpoint their trade target. So, let me continue my article series of ranking the players according to the likelihood that they are the one to be traded.

#7 Roi Sumang, Jeff Chan, Paul Zamar
These three are the least likely to be traded in my eyes. There is a good chance that Bolick has played his last game and Sumang will be task to take over. Chan is already old and Zamar is just getting back to his old form.

#6 MJ Ayaay, Art Dela Cruz, Louie Vigil
I do not see Northport trading a package for something. So, I do not think their end of the bench veteran players will be traded next.

#5 Christian Balagasay and Prince Caperal
They have a higher chance of getting traded than those in #6 but not by much. They are bigman so supply and demand can dictate things.

#4 Arvin Tolentino, JM Calma
Arvin is looking like a long-term project of Northport. They will try to develop him more and then sell him in a few years. Calma is just not that refine for Northport to maximize his value in a trade.

#3 Paolo Taha, Kent Salado
Two solid in-prime veterans. They can be part of a trade to confuse people. Taha has trade value with his longevity and solid game. Kent's game is so tantalizing in the eyes of fans. 

#2 Robert Bolick and William Navarro
I can only put these two guys in the number 2. Bolick should be #1 if there is no risk that he will just go to an International league. Navarro should be #1 if he is healthy today.

#1 Arwind Santos
With his age, Santos could be playing his last season in the league in the next one. So, he could be pushing to be shipped into the team where he will get his retirement. I am not sure which one but I am hoping it will be Converge.
