PBA Controversy: Sexy is the requirement to become a PBA courtside reporter?


Two years after being fired from her dream role as a PBA courtside reporter, Ira Pablo has come forward, alleging that her dismissal was due to her weight. Pablo, daughter of PBA star Vic Pablo, shared on Facebook that after covering about 10 games in 2022, she was abruptly removed without explanation, later learning from network insiders that her physical appearance was the supposed reason.

While Pablo's story paints a distressing picture, it’s important to note that the PBA was not directly involved in the decision. The handling of her case was done by TV5, the network that covers PBA games, if we read between the lines of her story. This makes the accusations hard to verify, as they rely heavily on anecdotal accounts rather than concrete evidence. Still, the impact of such claims inevitably tarnishes the league's image.

Pablo expressed deep frustration, stating that her removal had nothing to do with her performance but rather her appearance. She emphasized her years of preparation to become a PBA courtside reporter, having worked in sports media to fulfill her childhood dream.

Unfortunately, despite the lack of direct involvement, the PBA could still face negative backlash. Even without direct fault, such controversies cast a shadow over the league’s public perception. Fans and the media may unfairly associate the league with this alleged incident, damaging its reputation. And while it’s difficult to prove the accusations, the stories circulating are enough to generate a negative buzz.
